Laboratory of Functional and Structural Materials
The Head of the Departmet
Research workers:
Lidia Litynska - Dobrzynska, Ph. D., D.Sc
Wojciech Maziarz, Ph. D., D.Sc
Katarzyna Stan-Głowińska, Ph.D.
Paweł Czaja, Ph.D.
Technical workers:
Maciej Szlezynger, Ms.C.
Ph.D. Students
Łukasz Maj, Ms.C.
Damian Kalita, Ms.C.
Krzysztof Szymkiewicz, Ms.C.
Dr Oleh Tkachuk - Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dr Olena Poliarus - Frantsevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Hakan Ket - Sakarya University
Esma Mert - Sakarya University
Sayanti Banerjee - Technische Universitat Dresden
Dr Michał Mazur - Politechnika Wrocławska
Mgr inż. Monika Solecka - Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Informatyki Przemysłowej AGH
Mgr inż. Kamil Bochenek - Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
Mgr Elwira Czerska - Politechnika Śląska
Sylwia Sowa - Politechnika Krakowska
Karol Janus - Wydział Odlewnictwa AGH
Krzysztof Kapera, Katarzyna Wańkowicz - Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Ceramiki AGH
Artur Olejarz, Agnieszka Sowa, Aleksandra Stanisławska, Justyna Starzyk, Kinga Tyjas, Paulina Wiejanka, Anna Duda, Karol Boroń, Katarzyna Dulak, Patrycja Langosz, Kamil Stanek, Błażej Polakiewicz - Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Informatyki Przemysłowej AGH
Research areas
1.New generation of light metals alloys with increased properties.
This direction of research has a priority within the 6thFrame Program. Research conducted in the Laboratory concentrate on the increase of the strength of alloys series 2XXX and 6XXX by addition of Sc and Zr as wellas modification of additions proportions of such elements as Cu, Mn, Mg andMg:Si relation. Structure investigations of stable and metastable precipitatesis carried out using mechanical properties investigations after various combinations of heat treatment including Al3Sc and Al3Zr precipitation combined with lower temperature ageing due to ’ and ’’ precipitation. HREM and AEMmethods are applied in order to understand a precipitation mechanism. Moreover, energy-saving technology of lisuperplastic deformation of mentioned alloys is developed combined with application of gas forming technology.
2. Production and optimization of intermetallic properties.
Research made in the Institute concentrate on determination of alloying additions on structure and properties of intermetallic compounds based on Ti-Al and Ni-Al with other ternary additions. Technology of production of such alloys by powder metallurgy methods is developed taking advantage ofball-milling which allows to obtain grain size refinement and after compaction better plasticity at room temperature. The structure of alloys after ballmilling allow to obtain amorphous structure in TiAl base compounds and nanocrystalline NiAl base. Hot pressingof powders allow to obtain samples up to 99% of green density. The compression tests show Yield strength approaching 1800Mpa, however ductility is not yet satisfactory. Moreover, some ab inito modeling studies on stability of structures with other additions is made in cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Part of the research is realized within “goverment project”:“Alloys with intermetallic phase matrix; technology, structure, properties and applications”. The research is going to continued within KMM-Moe European Program.
3. Amorphous materials nano and microcrystalic.
Research is carried out in that direction of a powder metallurgy technologies of production of bulk amorphous alloys and nanomaterials. They are carried out in two directions:
1) Development of powder metallurgy technologies of production of bulk alloys mainly in at Zr-matrix alloys, like ZrNiCuTi,ZrCuAl, ZrCuNiTiAg and others, within a framework “project UE” – “plasticity of bulk amorphous glasses and application”
2) mechanical alloying and hot pressing of titanium base powders in order to obtain nanomaterials with low porosity, good ductility anda high strength. This subject matter is elaborated within “government project“Technologies of production of metallic nanomaterials “
The structure of alloys is studied using transmission electron microscopy including HRTEM; Furthermore mechanical properties of hotpressed and pulse plasma sintered samples are investigated using compression and hardness tests.
4. Materials showing shape memory effect.
The direction studied in the laboratory from many years. Atthe beginning it was studied in the frame of European project “IncoCopernicus”.Research is concentrated on the application of not conventional technologies of production of these materials. Main research interest lies in structures of martensite and austenite after fast cooling, deformation in situ to study mechanism of superplastic deformation, application powders metallurgy methods to determine the effect of porosity and grain size on the characteristic transformation temperatures.
5. Multiple layer coating TiN and CrN deposited by laser
Within this project we elaborate properties of coatings with respect to the resistance to wear in dry friction conditions. The coatings contain Ti and Cr layers for more plasticity and hard, brittle layers of TiN and CrN. The tests of wear are made on coatings containing tens of layers. The total thickness of coating is 1 to 2 mm. Tribological testing and microstructure observation are carried out using TEM in order to optimize thickness and quantity of metallic layers and oppose effectively catastrophic crack propagation appearing in monolayer coatings of nitrides.
Local and International cooperation
- Institute of Nonferrous Metals, Light Metals Division Skawina in the field of Al alloys
- AGH – University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, in thefield of ceramics composites and intermetalic relations
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science in the field of mechanical alloying of materials and pulse plasma sintering
- Instituteof Metal Cutting (IOS), cooperation in the field of high hardness composites
- Air ForceInstitute of Technology, cooperation in the field of Al alloys and steel alloys fatigue
- Military Institute of Armament Technology, cooperation in the field of armorcomposites structure
- Institute of Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
- University of the Balearic Islands, Departament of Physics: Palma de Mallorca
- Centred’Etudes de Chimie Métallurgique UPR-CNRS Vitry sur Seine.
- Russian Academy of Sciences in. Bajkowa, Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences,.
- Humboldt University, Department ofPhysics
- Institute of Metal Physics Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Instytut Nadplastycznosci Metali RAN (Ufa) Rosja kier. dr Galia Korznikova;